Armen Oganesyan is a Russian journalist. Since 2009 he has been Editor-in-Chief of International Relations and International Life magazines (Russia), and occasionally serves as an external adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. From 1983 to 1990 he worked as Editor-in-Chief of Broadcasting in the UK and Ireland for Radio Moscow International and from 1992-1994 served as its head. From April 1993 to October 23, 2008 he was Chairman of the Russian state radio company The Voice of Russia. From 2003 until 2006, Oganesyan served as a member of the Federal Tender Commission on TV and radio frequency licensing and during various periods between 1996 and 2006, was a member of the European Broadcasting Union’s Administrative Council (EBU Geneva), and a member of the EBU Radio Committee and Council of Europe expert on media matters. He is also a member of the Council of Foreign and Defence Policy and author of several articles in the Russian and foreign media on foreign policy and media (NezavisimayaGazeta, Argumenty-i-Fakty, VremyaNovostei, the Times, the Guardian, and Le Monde Diplomatique). Oganesyan graduated from Moscow State University‘s Department of Journalism.