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Academic Event: Agenda is now Available!

Belgrade Security Forum 2016 will traditionally begin with the Academic Event on Wednesday, October 12, 2016.

This year’s Academic Event with the overall topic “Migration, Security and Solidarity within Global Disorder” will host three panels: Migrant and Refugee Crisis: Contesting the EU Normative Power, Looking beyond Migration: Challenges to Integration in Host Countries and Reinventing Walls and Fortresses: Human Rights in The Age of Migration.

Drawing on insights from Security Studies, Political Science, European Studies, Legal Studies, Migration Studies, Sociology, Anthropology and other disciplines, this year’s Academic Event will seek to address the following issues:

  • The implications of the current migrant and refugee crisis for the perception of the EU as a “Normative Power” and a “Community of Values” with high standards of human rights protection;
  • Conceptual challenges to the Common European Asylum System posed by the current crisis;
  • Securitization of immigration and the rise of right-wing populism and Islamophobia in the EU;
  • The migrant and refugee crisis between international, EU and member states’ asylum laws – the legal aspects and implications of the crisis;
  • Migration, inequality and insecurity – new forms of marginalization; inequality as a security threat;
  • Immigration and integration – from identity politics to the politics of solidarity;
  • Problematizing the nexus between migration, radicalization and violent extremism.

For more information on panels, speakers and their abstracts you can check here.